Our Process

Cabinet Refinishing in Perkasie, PA

We love design. That’s how we got here.

We tout our fast turnaround and the reliability that comes from having made good on that promise time and again. But that shouldn’t imply that we’re not quality-driven, because we absolutely are. Haven’t you heard that adage, “work smarter, not harder?” This is how we do it.


The Consultation

We will give you a call to tell you a little more about the nature of our work and what the costs generally run. If you’re still interested, we’ll schedule the consultation. That’s when we’ll want to hear all your concerns about your kitchen. After listening, we will offer some suggestions for resolving them and, usually*, an onsite estimate. (In a few, especially-complex situations, we’ll deliver the estimate within 48 hours of the consultation.) That’s the extent of it until you’re ready to move forward—or not. It’s all very low-pressure.

Kitchen Redesign

The Process

Kitchen renovations can feel even more painful than they already are when the delays begin to mount up. The cabinetry, for example, arrives on time, but when it’s unpacked, it’s discovered that a tiny, seemingly insignificant piece is missing. The installation grinds to a halt while said piece is reordered from the manufacturer. And it remains that way until it arrives, which could be three weeks later. All the while, you’re becoming a little too-well-acquainted with the drive-thrus and pizzerias in your neighborhood.

By contrast, when we start refinishing your kitchen, we’ve already accounted for every piece. And even in the rare instances when something’s been mis-measured or changed for whatever reason in the midst of the work, we can adapt on the fly and repair or fabricate most things ourselves. Nothing throws us off our timeline.

This, then, is not our theoretical schedule for cabinetry refinishing. It’s our actual schedule.

Day One  After you meet your foreman, we’ll get to work removing your cabinet doors and  drawer fronts. Back at our workshop, we will begin prepping them for spraying in our spray booth.

Day Two  We’ll spray your doors at our workshop with the conversion varnish you selected beforehand.

Day Three  We’ll return to your home to cover the kitchen counters, floor, and cabinetry insets. (You’ll still have access to your sink and appliances.)

Day Four  We’ll set up a ventilated spray booth in your kitchen to spray the body of the cabinetry and moldings with the conversion varnish. (You won’t have access to your kitchen.)

Day Five  We’ll reattach the cabinet doors and drawer fronts, apply a few finishing touches, and unveil your new kitchen for inspection.

Please note: This outline is a sample week and refers specifically to refinishing. Carpentry will require additional time—and some amount of carpentry is typical, even for refinishing projects. For instance, new molding would be installed during the week prior to the refinishing. The island would be remodeled then, too. In the case of larger-scale redesigns, refinishing comprises the final five days of the process. No matter how small or large the project, though, we strive for efficient time management, and it’s almost always a significant improvement over the standard kitchen renovation.


The Result

Like we mentioned at the top, we measure ourselves by the quality of our work. We make a habit of correcting issues even when they’re beyond the scope of our work description because, really, what’s the point of doing this if it’s not done right? We’re confident you’ll be impressed by the transformation. But, should you notice that something’s not quite right down the road, don’t hesitate to give us a shout, and we’ll fix it in short order. Satisfaction guaranteed sounds very 1990s-infomercial, but, yeah, your satisfaction is guaranteed.


What we accomplished.


Sample Doors Made

Pieces of Sandpaper Used

Rolls of Tape

New Hardware Installed

It’s great that we know each other now.